Congratulations to the Water Center’s Dr. Daniel McLaughlin! Dr. McLaughlin is coauthor on a journal article that received the 2020 Boggess Award for best paper published in the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA).

The paper, titled “Modeling Connectivity of Non‐floodplain Wetlands: Insights, Approaches, and Recommendations,” examines modeling approaches that incorporate wetland connectivity, demonstrates tradeoffs in model selection, and provides actionable guidance for future model application and development.

Dr. McLaughlin is an associate professor in the Department of Forest Resources and Conservation in the College of Natural Resources and Environment. His research focuses on informing water resource management through a better understanding of biotic and abiotic drivers of ecosystem function.
The Boggess Award was established by the American Water Resources Association (AWRA) in 1973 to honor the author of the best paper published in the JAWRA during the previous year. The award was established to honor William R. “Randy” Boggess, a charter member of AWRA, one of the first directors, a past president of the association, a former editor, and an individual who has made significant contributions to JAWRA.