Congratulations to the Virginia Tech American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Student Chapter! The group was selected as the 2021 winner of the N. Earl Spangenberg Outstanding Student Chapter Award!
The AWRA Student Chapter received the award for activities that further AWRA’s objectives and include clean-up events, a stream bank restoration project, Adventures on the Gorge program development, Virginia Tech Science Festival, Earth Week events, a successful recruitment strategy, chapter meetings, guest speakers, and social events.
To find out more about the student group and how to get involved, click HERE
The N. Earl Spangenberg Outstanding Student Chapter Award is given each year to recognize an AWRA Student Chapter that has provided outstanding service in the furtherance of the Association’s objectives. In 2018 the AWRA Board of Directors renamed the award in honor of late AWRA Past President N. Earl Spangenberg, who formed the first student chapter of AWRA.