Save the Date for the 2022 Virginia Water Monitoring Council (VWMC) Conference
“Exploring Emerging Water Issues”
August 4, 2022 at the Henrico County Training Center, Henrico, Va.
The Virginia Water Center is co-hosting this one day event.
We are planning for this year’s VWMC Conference to be an in-person event! Invited speakers will provide current information about water monitoring and watershed management. Let us know if you have speaker suggestions.
Participation in the VWMC conference is open to VWMC members and the public. We plan to offer scholarships to two full-time undergraduate or graduate students. More information about the conference, scholarships, and sponsorship opportunities will be forthcoming and posted on the VWMC’s website: www.VirginiaWMC.org.
Sponsorships are welcomed! If your company or organization would like to sponsor the 2022 VWMC Conference, please reach out to vwmc@vt.edu.