Want to get your well or spring water tested?
The Virginia Household Water Quality Program (VAHWQP) provides affordable water testing, help interpreting their water test results, and information about addressing problems. They aim to improve the water quality and health of Virginians with wells, springs and cisterns. Anyone with a private water supply system (including wells, springs, and cisterns) may participate.
Upcoming clinic locations in March include Fluvanna, Isle of Wight, Suffolk, Chesapeake, Montgomery, and Floyd. See a full list of 2020 Drinking Water Clinics HERE.
The objective of the VAHWQP is to improve the water quality and health of Virginians using private water supplies. Initiated in 1989, their drinking water clinics have been conducted in nearly every county across Virginia, and 29,000 samples have been analyzed and results confidentially returned to participants.
Drinking water clinics are organized by local Extension Agent and Virginia Tech faculty in the Biological Systems Engineering Department.