The American Ecological Engineering Society is holding their annual meeting at Virginia Tech on May 29-31, 2024!
In addition to learning about the latest research and practice of ecological engineering, there will be opportunities to:
- Become a Certified Ecological Designer;
- Earn Professional Development Hours;
- Celebrate the first year of publishing by the society’s open-access Journal of Ecological Engineering Design;
- Learn about the ongoing ABET accreditation process;
- Learn how academic institutions across the country are bringing ecological engineering to their campuses; and
- Experience local ecosystems and ecosystem restoration activities through tours and site visits.
The meeting is hosted by the Virginia Tech Department of Biological Systems Engineering. The Virginia Water Resources Research Center is a sponsor.
The American Ecological Engineering Society’s mission is to promote the development of sustainable ecosystems that integrate human society with its natural environment for the benefit of both by fostering education and outreach, extending professional development and associations, raising public awareness, and encouraging original research.