Category: News
Stephen Schoenholtz to lead the National Institutes for Water Resources
With an eye toward the future of water, Stephen Schoenholtz, professor of forest hydrology and soils in the College of Natural Resources and Environment, has been named president-elect of the National Institutes for Water Resources and will serve as president starting Oct. 1, 2016. The National Institutes for Water Resources…
Virginia Water Resources Research Center Student Grant Recipients for 2016
The Water Center has award three grants as part of its annual competition for recognizing and supporting students studying water resources in Virginia. Awards went to the following students and projects: Joanna Adadevoh, Ph.D. student, Department of Chemical Engineering University of Virginia: “Exploiting Bacterial Chemotaxis to Enhance Degradation of…
VWRRC Director Attends White House Water Summit
On March 22, 2016, in conjunction with the United Nations World Water Day, the Administration hosted a White House Water Summit to raise awareness of water issues and potential solutions in the United States, and to catalyze ideas and actions to help build a sustainable and secure water future through…
The GV Loganathan Distinguished Lecture, by Dr. Rafael L. Bras, April 8
Friday, April 8, 2016 3:00 pm The Banquet Room, Owens Hall Event Flier The G.V . Loganathan Distinguished Lecture Series was established to honor the contributions of scholarship, instruction and service by Dr. G.V. Loganathan in the area of water resources engineering and in memory of Dr. Loganathan and his…
Increasing salts in freshwater, damage biodiversity
From VTNews BLACKSBURG, Va., March 2, 2016 – Aquatic life can suffer when high concentrations of dissolved salts enter freshwater ecosystems, a process known as salinization. An international, multi-institutional team of researchers that includes a Virginia Tech graduate student recommends ways that humans can protect freshwater from salts in an article…
We welcome our new VWRRC intern – Taylor Richmond
The Water Center selected Taylor Richmond for its new semester-long, paid internship this spring. This experience will provide Taylor with additional opportunities to learn lab and field techniques in water resources and work with staff, faculty, and graduate students affiliated with the Water Center in activities related the Center’s mandated…
Water Resources Conference of the Virginias – A Success!
ROANOKE, LEWIS COUNTY, WV – The Water Resources Conference of the Virginias began on Monday, Oct. 5 at Stonewall Resort. The annual meeting brought together the West Virginia Water Research Institute at WVU and the Virginia Water Resources Research Center at Virginia Tech. The two organizations meet each year to…
2015 Water Resources Conference of the Virginias, October 5-6
The Virginia Water Resources Research Center at Virginia Tech and the West Virginia Water Research Institute at West Virginia University will be hosting the 2015 Water Resources Conference of the Virginias. The theme for this event is “Water – Energy – Agriculture” and will take place October 5-6, 2015 at…
The Walker Graduate Research Fellow for 2015 is Carlos Mantilla Pena
The Walker Award winner for 2015-16 is Carlos F. Mantilla Pena. Carlos is a Ph.D. candidate at Virginia Tech in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Carlos is beginning the second year of his Ph.D. studies after completing his M.S. in civil and environmental engineering at Tech in 2014 and transitioning…