Trip Krenz: new paper published in Ecological Engineering

Robert (Trip) Krenz, Assistant Professor at Western Carolina University and a former doctoral student in the Virginia Tech Forest Hydrology and Soils Lab, has published a paper in Ecological Engineering.  The paper discusses results from a portion of his dissertation research, which focused on assessing structure and ecological functions of constructed…

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VWRRC Director Attends White House Water Summit

On March 22, 2016, in conjunction with the United Nations World Water Day, the Administration hosted a White House Water Summit to raise awareness of water issues and potential solutions in the United States, and to catalyze ideas and actions to help build a sustainable and secure water future through…

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Increasing salts in freshwater, damage biodiversity

From VTNews BLACKSBURG, Va., March 2, 2016 – Aquatic life can suffer when high concentrations of dissolved salts enter freshwater ecosystems, a process known as salinization. An international, multi-institutional team of researchers that includes a Virginia Tech graduate student recommends ways that humans can protect freshwater from salts in an article…

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We welcome our new VWRRC intern – Taylor Richmond

The Water Center selected Taylor Richmond for its new semester-long, paid internship this spring. This experience will provide Taylor with additional opportunities to learn lab and field techniques in water resources and work with staff, faculty, and graduate students affiliated with the Water Center in activities related the Center’s mandated…

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