Schoenholtz elected president of NIWR for 2016

Stephen Schoenholtz

Stephen Schoenholtz, director of the Virginia Water Resources Research Center, was elected this week to serve as the president of the National Institutes for Water Resources (NIWR). NIWR is the organization of state water resources research institutes or centers authorized by section 104 of the Water Resources Research Act of 1964….

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News coverage of Water Degree on WSLS

Our local news, WSLS in Roanoke, did a story on the new bachelor’s program at Virginia Tech called Water: Resources, Policy and Management.  To view the story, click here.  For more information on the degree program, go to:

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New water B.S. degree at Virginia Tech is now approved

In early December, Virginia Tech received approval from the State Council for Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV) for a new undergraduate, water resources degree at the university.  This followed approval by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors during its June 1-2, 2014, meetings.  The new “Water: Resources, Policy, and Management”…

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