We welcome our new VWRRC intern – Taylor Richmond

The Water Center selected Taylor Richmond for its new semester-long, paid internship this spring. This experience will provide Taylor with additional opportunities to learn lab and field techniques in water resources and work with staff, faculty, and graduate students affiliated with the Water Center in activities related the Center’s mandated…

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NIWR 2016 Annual Meeting, Washington DC, Feb 8-10

NIWR 2016 Annual Meeting February 8-10, 2016 The Hotel George Washington, D.C.   The National Institute for Water Resources will hold the 2016 annual meeting for directors, institute staff, and invited guests on February 8-10, 2016 at the Hotel George in Washington, D.C. Registration Information: Fees, cancellation policy, and registration link…

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Water Center internship program for spring semester

The Water Center is seeking a Virginia Tech student (second-semester sophomore or above) for a semester-long, paid internship this spring. The Water Center envisions the internship as an opportunity for a student to experience learning and work activities that will enhance the student’s knowledge about, and skills useful for, a variety…

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Schoenholtz elected president of NIWR for 2016

Stephen Schoenholtz

Stephen Schoenholtz, director of the Virginia Water Resources Research Center, was elected this week to serve as the president of the National Institutes for Water Resources (NIWR). NIWR is the organization of state water resources research institutes or centers authorized by section 104 of the Water Resources Research Act of 1964….

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Virginia Water Resources Research Center Student Grant Recipients for 2015

Recently, the Water Center had its annual competition for recognizing and supporting students studying water resources in Virginia. In the Competitive Grants category, awards went to the following students and projects:   Jonathan Doubek, Ph.D. student, Biological Sciences, Virginia Tech: “Effects of hypolimnetic hypoxia on zooplankton biomass, community composition, and vertical…

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